
The Stone Age Poem

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The poetess realistically depicts the burdens of domestic life, sickness, her ageing and decaying of body, and the anticipation of death in the final passage: I shall be the fat-kneed hag in the long queue The one from whose shopping bag the mean potato must Roll across the road. I shall be the patient On the hospital bed, lying in drugged slum And dreaming of home. I shall be the grandmother Willing away her belongings, those scraps and trinkets More lasting than her bones. Perhaps some womb in that Darker world shall convulse, when I finally enter, A legitimate entrant, marked by discontent. (Gino) The Stone Age, one of the finest poems in this anthology, strongly expresses the note of rebellion against male domination. The wife resents the restraints imposed on her. The husband who is described as an “Old fat spider” weaves “webs of bewilderment” around her and confines her within the four walls of domesticity. She painfully complains. You turn me into a bird of stone, a granite Dove, you build round me a shabby drawing room, And stroke my pitted face absent mindedly while you read. She dislikes him as other men haunt her mind. Yet, as day dreams, strong men cast their shadows, they sink Like white suns in the swell of my Dravidian blood. (The Stone Age)
In the absence of the husband she knocks at another’s door. She asserts her individuality and challenges domesticity. A note of rebellion and defiance is strongly expressed in this poem.

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