
The Story Of Abraham Lincoln

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The story of Abraham Lincoln is a story that is as familiar to Americans as is any children’s fable. He was born in a log cabin, was our 16th president of the United States of America. He helped free the slaves from slavery and saved the Union. His assassination at Ford’s Theatre was at the hands of John Wilkes Booth. How did this unschooled, backwoods politician gain the presidency of this great country and guide this nation through its toughest crisis ever. Who was this Abraham Lincoln who helped our nation through his leadership role and intellectual mannerism?
Lincoln towered at 6 feet 4 inches and he would also stand out by wearing tall top hats. He had a black silk mourning band added in remembrance of his middle age son William who …show more content…

In 1848 he tried his hand at an invention on lifting boats in shallow waters and in 1849 he received a patent for this invention.
On March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln took the presidential oath of office and became our 16th president. When the president gave his first inauguration he was married to his wife Mary for 18 years. They had three children Robert (17), William (10), and the youngest Thomas at age (7). War had broken out between the north and the south and Abraham Lincoln like many others didn’t expect it to be very costly. Both the North and the South were highly confident that each one could win over the other during the struggle. They both definitely undermined one another’s determination. The first years of the war were full of horror and frustration. Union forces appeared in capable of sustaining a successful campaign. The Confederate army, with fewer resources, had repelled Union advances and maintained a threat against Washington, D.C. Amid so many deaths and so little progress, many of Lincoln’s closest allies questioned his ability to oversee the war.
“The President is an excellent man, and in the main wise; but he lacks will and purpose, and I greatly fear he, has not the power to command”
Attorney General Edward Bates, December 31, 1861 Lincoln’s early inventions carried over into his presidency, among these were is patented invention of lifting boats over

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