
The Strange Situation By Bowlby

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The aim of this study was to tell whether or not children interacted differently in a “strange situation” as well as to explore attachment and exploratory behaviour. The children were placed under different conditions in order to tell how they reacted, these conditions included being placed in a room with a carer, a stranger entering the room, and being left in the room alone, these conditions were used to observe attachment theories. Introduction: Child attachment has been a topic that has been greatly researched by both Psychologists and researchers alike, particularly the study called “Strange situation” by Bowlby (1969) Bowlby believed that most mental health issues could be related to early childhood behaviour. He believed that all childhood attachment was an instinctive behaviour and was activated when children were put in a stressful situation, and this seemed to enhance emotions such as separation, fear and insecurity (Bowlby, 1969) he also stated that fear of strangers is an instinctive reaction as it promotes the survival mechanism. Babies are expected to show attachment behaviours from very early on, and due to this they display social releases in order to increase proximity to a mother figure, these releases include things such as smiling, crawling and crying. According to Bowlby, mothers and babies were biologically programmed with the need to stay connected to each other. He also suggested that a child initially only forms an attachment with one carer figure,

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