
The Stranger by Albert Camus

Decent Essays

Albert Camus’ portrayal of the emotional being of the main character in The Stranger is an indirect display of his own personal distress. The use of symbolism and irony presented throughout this novel is comparable with the quest for such that death itself would be nonetheless happy. Camus’ irrational concept is based off the exclusion of any logical reasoning behind the events in the text.
Meursault’s first impression given to the reader is that of ignorance and a nonchalant behavior to indifference of life itself. He is a detached and deathly honest man who refuses to lie about himself to save his life; a simple man, whose moods are painfully dictated by the powers of Nature; and an independent man, one who will not accept God, or any of society’s formulas for happiness. In paragraph one it states, “Mother died today, or, maybe yesterday; I can’t be sure.” This basically shows his emotionless attitude towards love or losing someone close, ensuring the reader of Meursault’s coldhearted vibe and carelessness for human life. The ironic situation of Meursault’s mother being dead Instead of grieving at the news of his mother’s death, he is cold, detached, and indifferent. When he receives the telegram, his primary concern if figuring out which day his mother died. The fact that he has no emotional reaction at all makes Meursault difficult to categorize. If he were happy that his mother died, he could be simply cast as immoral or a monster. But Meursault is neither happy, nor

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