
The Struggle For Independence Between Deep Rooted African Culture And The Force Of European Civilization Mission

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Who were the Mau Mau? What fueled their short lived but symbolic rebellion? What is their significance in the struggle for independence that occurred in Kenya? What does understanding the insurgency teach us of the clashes between deep rooted African culture and the force of European civilization mission? The rebellion surprised the British early on in 1952 by its aggressiveness and early success in rallying up the masses for a common cause, equality. For decades the white British settlers took their lands and sent the indigenous Kikuyu into reservations which could not even come close to sustaining their ever growing pastoral population. The Second World War seems to have been the turning point for the majority of Kenyans who wanted equality with the Europeans (Elkins, 2005, p. 22) .
However this was not only in Kenya, all around the continent African soldiers who had bled for the British empire discovered that the European man died just as he did when shot or stabbed, and this took away the superiority complex some of them might have had earlier. The duration and protracted effort of the counterinsurgency beg an evaluation of its influence on the fate of Kenya as a colony. Yet, decolonization did not arrive until nearly a decade later. The Mau Mau was as a result of African nationalism in Kenya, a somewhat violent resistance to imperialists and colonialist scattered across their lands and their resistance to demands for gradual political reform. After

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