
The Success Rate Is More Than Those Attended A Traditional School

Decent Essays

Given the fact that online success rate is less than those attended a traditional school, yet the number of students participate in online studies are increasing each year. We are living in an era of growing innovation, new technology where most community colleges and universities are offering online courses. This new distance education is now widely accepted by many higher education institutions and very much appreciated by many students whose daily schedules are not suitable for traditional classroom courses. On this report paper, I would like exam couple components that contribute to the success rate results: how and where did the results come about, among the factors that might affect the outcome of the rate such as students characteristics and patterns along with any improvement need to be made for a better online successful outcome. Let start of with the finind results for this report paper. According to the new report from Community College Research Center (CCRC Working Paper No. 31), the Teachers College at Columbia University written by Di Xu and Shanna Smith Jaggars published in March 2011, indicates that online students have a higher rate of dropout or incomplete courses than traditional classroom students.(Introduction, Page 1, Jaggars, 2011). As I understand, this result is based on a five year study of more than 50,000 first-time college students who enrolled in technology colleges and state community colleges across the state of Washington. They collected

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