
The Supreme Leader Of Indian Independence

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How does the supreme leader of Indian independence view the new innovations coming into India? In 1909, Mohandas Gandhi shares his views of the societal ills in modern India during the time. He does this through the writing of Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule. Throughout the book, Gandhi proves the overall state of India has dissolved due to the roles of lawyers, actions of doctors, and effects of the railways. First, the overall condition of India has decomposed due to the roles of lawyers. The first way lawyers make India worse off is by advancing the Hindus and Mahomedans argument. Gandhi believes that normal men seem better fit to resolve the argument than lawyers. He explicitly states this by claiming, “An ordinary man will ask them …show more content…

Since lawyers’ profession appears at stake, they progress in formulating positions which in effect keep advancing the argument. In this case, lawyers advance the Hindus and Mahomedan quarrel, which has a negative effect on the health of India. The second way lawyers hurt India is by tightening the English grip on India. Once again, Gandhi wants the people to solve their own arguments, rather than relying on a third party, in this case lawyers. His statement exists as, “If people were to settle their own quarrels, a third party would not be able to exercise any authority over them” (Hind Swaraj, p.42). Gandhi now forms the connection between lawyers, the court system, and English rule. He incorporates this by stating, “The chief thing, however, to be remembered is that without lawyers courts could not have been established or conducted and without the latter the English could not rule” (Hind Swaraj, p.42). This implies if lawyers stayed out of India, then no court system would exist. Therefore the English remain unable to assume power. Gandhi makes this point more apparent by claiming, “Supposing, that there were only English judges, English pleaders and English police, they could only rule over the English. The English could not do without Indian judges and Indian pleaders” (Hind Swaraj, p.42). In this statement, Gandhi views pleaders as lawyers. He believes without Indian lawyers, the English would seek failure over the rule of India. Since India has lawyers, the

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