
The Symbolism In In The Lake Of The Woods

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The lake in the novel, In the Lake of the Woods, symbolizes the concealed secrets of John’s past. Lakes are very mysterious things; the surface of the lake can be seen for miles, however, underneath the surface there is so much uncharted area that a person is unable to see. The deeper you travel into the depths of the lake, the darker it gets, fore the light of the sun doesn’t reach these areas. These characteristics of the lake exemplify secrets a person, especially those of John. The deep depths of the lake are the dark secrets John tries so hard to conceal and the light illuminating the shallow parts of the water is the part of himself he allows people to see. At first glance a person can seem totally normal, with no troubles in their life. It is people like John that put up this front even though they have some very deep …show more content…

The lake’s surface is a perception of reality and the depths underneath the surface are underlying secrets and deception. Symbolism and the usage of the lake helps build the character of John Wade. John Wade has always had unstable relationships, starting with his father. His father was an alcoholic who verbally abused John growing up and then committed suicide when John was a young teen. Growing up everything John had done was for the affection of his father. After being called names by his dad constantly for being a little overweight, John decided to try to please his father: “... in sixth grade he secretly wrote away for a special diet he’d seen advertised in a magazine” (O'Brian, 1995, pg.208). Connecting with the symbolism of the lake, on the surface John was seemingly trying to lose weight, but digging deeper into John’s true desires, which is in the deepest parts of the lake, he was trying to gain his father's love and affection by losing some extra pounds. Furthermore, John’s characteristic of being secretive connects with the symbolism of the lake. John is a veteran of the

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