
The Symbolism Of Evil In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

Satisfactory Essays

“Young Goodman Brown”, by Nathanial Hawthorne, is a story about a man who goes on a journey into darkness and encounters his own evil/the devil. The evil comes within him and other people he knows and love. His wife named Faith is one of the individuals captured by the evilness/ the devil. In the story, Faith is very symbolic to Young Goodman Brown. Not only is Faith his wife, however she is also a symbol of his religious faith. At one point, Brown declares that he has “lost his faith.” While in the woods he heard a scream and realized it was his wife. He found her pink ribbon fluttering on the branch of a tree and says, “My Faith is gone! There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come devil; for to thee is this world given.” (Young

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