
The Sympathy Of Dante Alighieri In Dante's Divine Comedy

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In the Divine Comedy, we follow Dante Alighieri on his journey through Hell, the Purgatory, and eventually into Paradise. Dante is depicted as a man whom has become lost on his path toward God. He has found that he has wandered away from the true way of life, and was seeking enlightenment. He is a symbol for the universal quest for God. Dante is a sympathetic and emotional man. This is evident when he is traveling through the rings of hell and breaks down into tears several times due to the nature of what it is that he is seeing. One of Dante’s most notable and admirable traits is his empathy. He is extremely sympathetic towards the souls stuck in Hell, and he acknowledges that these souls seek love too. Virgil, the man who takes Dante on …show more content…

I believe that to us, the book is saying that we should be able to ask questions and learn about life after death, and how to give ourselves to God and create the best versions of ourselves through enlightenment and penitence. Throughout his journey, Dante had become to learn that man can only be taught so much solely from reason, and they must learn to be able to surrender themselves to faith in order to accept what cannot be understood nor explained. Also, Dante came to understand that in order to obtain a sense of “goodness”, so to say, one must be able to know the paths of evil and be able to avoid these paths if at all possible. I believe this medieval tale says to us to who we are as a modern people that you must always strive to achieve greatness and goodness, and that you will be punished for your wrong doings and you will be responsible to pay the price. This notion goes hand in hand with the Christian notion of heaven and hell, and is tied into our modern society because the majority of people also choose believe in this

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