
The Teapot Dome Scandal Of 1923-1924

Decent Essays

1. The Teapot Dome Scandal of 1923-1924 was about Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall when he accepted bribes to lease government property to private oil companies. This was a big deal after he handed a Wyoming oil reserve to the Mammoth Oil Company. This case was huge because he was the first cabinet member to ever go to jail.
2. More than 1 million Blacks moved from the South during the Great Migration of the 1920s to the north because of more job opportunities, education, men could vote, and they wanted to get away from the violence of lynching and segregation.
3. The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was a Black Nationalist group led by Marcus Garvey. He founded the UNIA in Jamaica in 1914. The UNIA consisted of ordinary …show more content…

Marcus Garvey’s vision for the advancement of African Americans was that they should be independent. He wanted them to be of equal with white people but he knew that it would never happen. So he called for separate self-development of African Americans within the United States; he told them to go back to their hometown Africa, where they would be free of whites.
5. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was an organization that originated after the civil war. They were a group of white southerners led by William J. Simmons in 1915. Ku Klux Klan threatened the Black community by murdering black politicians and political leaders. They beat, whipped, and murdered thousands of blacks and stopped them from voting. They also burned churches and schools, lynching teachers and educated blacks. Black landowners were also driven off their property and murdered if they refused to leave.
6. The Indianapolis ABCs of 1911 was founded by American Brewing Company (ABC) and led by Ran Butler was a Negro league baseball team. They were the first Negro national …show more content…

Alfred E. Smith was elected governor of New York. During his governorship, he was the leader of progressive reform and civil rights. He was also the first Roman Catholic to run for president.
9. The stock market crash of 1929 was caused by the rapid increase of debt and large bank loans.
10. President Hoover fail to effectively deal with the economic crisis because he didn’t really know what to do. All his efforts seemed to fail. Many Americans thought that Hoover wasn’t doing anything to fight the economic crisis but he was. He tried voluntarism, exhortation, and limited government intervention.
11. The bonus army of 1932 was a group of World War 1 veterans and their families who gathered at Washington DC demanding cash for their services. President Hoover opposed the bonus bill because he was concerned about the federal budget.
12. Franklin Roosevelt defeated President Hoover in the election of 1932 because he promised to use the power of the federal government to fight and decrease the economic crisis. He also supported direct relief payments for the unemployed people. He promised reform.
13. The Twentieth Amendment to the US Constitution set the inauguration day as January 20th, congress shall meet once every year on January 3rd, if anything happens to the president-elect, the vice president shall take his

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