
The Tempest Forgiveness Analysis

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Forgiveness means moving on. If we do not forgive, we will not be able to let go and move on with our lives. Forgiving does not necessarily mean forgetting. Some may forgive out of selfishness, and just to feel good about themselves. Some may forgive and leave whatever happened behind. In The Tempest, Prospero wanted to revenge for what his brother and Alanso did to him and his daughter. Antonio usurped Prospero to take his place as Duke of Milan.
Prospero had always thought of taking revenge for what they did to him, and for being banished into an island that no one has human shape, except Caliban for years. Prospero had his book and his magic that is how the storm hit the ship of Alanso, Antonio, Gonzalo, Fredinand, Stephano,
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Prospero wanted to make it a fair game ‘an eye for an eye’. He wanted to bring justice to himself and his daughter. He wanted them to feel regret for what they did to him. However, he was aware of everything he was doing when he was using his magic to manipulate them. Ariel was Prospero’ servant, who helped him in order to gain his freedom. Prospero was responsible for his acts because he wanted to have his fortune and dukedom back. He was telling his daughter that “Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since,
Thy father was the duke of Milan and A prince of power” (I.2.63-65). He would not risk loosing everything again. He was happy with the relationship between Miranda and Fredinand. He felt that his daughter’ future will be safe.

After twelve years of usurpation and thinking of revenge, Prospero was able to forgive, so he can move on; otherwise, he would spent the rest of his life stuck in the past. Shakespeare was able to make us understand the importance of forgiveness. Thinking of taking revenge of everything in our lives might destroy us. However, Prospero was smart enough to not to let

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