
The Tempest Research Paper

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Discoveries only change our thinking and values if we approach them with a positive attitude. In Shakespeare's play The Tempest, Prospero’s self-discovery is to see that he feels a greater human connection with all beings, including nature, if he seeks collaboration not control. The royal party too are forced to question their exalted place in a rigid Elizabethan hierarchy, as nature wreaks havoc in both the natural and man-made order. Once on the island unconstrained by status and position, free to contemplate new perspectives and cast off old assumptions. Shakespeare's characterization of Prospero's rule and controlling temperament, portrays him as Colonial usurper and slave-master. It is a trenchant criticism of the play’s social and political …show more content…

When Adrian expresses in doubtful tones his view of the island as, ‘Uninhabitable and almost inaccessible…’ he is contrasted by a completely different perspective, ‘How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green’ from Gonzalo, where the alliterative flow of, “lush, lusty and looks” evokes the natural abundance of the island. Gonzalo will be transformed by the discovery of new ideas on the island Adrian, Antonio and Sebastian merely chastened. Shakespeare's characterization of Prospero's as a controlling, Colonial usurper and slave-master is a reflection of the social and political context of the play’s renaissance composition as the European powers engaged in a land grab for the Americas and West Indies. The discovery that the audience makes about the limitations of Prospero’s power during the wedding masque when he hurriedly breaks off impressing his future son-in-law, Ferdinand “I had forgot that foul conspiracy of the beast Caliban and his confederates” draws a clear parallel with the limits that the European explorers were able to impose on the natives of my related

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