
The Terrorist Attacks On The World Trade Center

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The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the downing of an airplane by passengers on September 11, 2001 left many Americans reeling with fear and feeling vulnerable. The American people no longer felt safe and protected on their homeland soil. It was a violation of security that united not only the American people, but countries around the world. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, then President, George W. Bush, proposed the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Prior to this proposal, the responsibility to protect the nation’s security fell to over 100 different government agencies. Not one of these agencies saw homeland security as their primary goal. The newly created …show more content…

Hospitals and other healthcare institutions are under increasing pressures to provide medical treatment to patients with limited and reduced reimbursements from medical insurance providers. There is also a substantial increase in the number of patients without health insurance. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is a national mandate that requires healthcare organizations to access and stabilize any person who seeks medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay (Kaji, Koenig, & Lewis, 2007). Public health facilities are challenged financially with complying with state and federal mandates such as required implementation of electronic medical records and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Hanfling, Schafer, & Armstrong, 2004).
Recommendations 26 and 28 from the 9/11 Commission may have impacts on the healthcare sector. Recommendation 26 requires the implementation of the Incident Command System for all organizations who are responsible to respond to all-hazards threats. The second recommendation from the 9/11 Commission that could impact healthcare is Recommendation

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