
The Theme Of Conflict In 'The Shunned House'

Decent Essays

The Shunned House

Discuss Lovecraft’s description of the house over the course of the story. Be sure to include details from the beginning middle and end of the story.
Lovecraft describes the house as though it looked gloomy and torn down.
“..the shunned house was vacant, with barren, gnarled, and terrible old trees, long, queerly pale grass, and nightmarishly misshapen weeds.. “ “..The small-paned windows were largely broken, and a nameless air of desolation hung round the precarious panelling, shaky interior shutters, peeling wall-paper, falling plaster, rickety staircases, and such fragments of battered furniture as still remained..” (Lovecraft V.8)

Defend whether the narrator is a reliable narrator or not.

The narrator in “The Shunned House,” can fit in the unreliable category. As the story continues, the narrator admits to lying to other characters, and presents a rather unreal story. The narrator says, “..Later I told Harris only through sheer necessity, and because he had heard odd tales from old people which disposed him ever so little toward belief,” (Lovecraft. V. 8.).

Describe the conflict in the story. Be sure to include what type of conflict it is, how it starts, develops and is resolved.

The conflict in the short story is all of the events that happen in it- throughout the short story the house is said to give off bad vibes. There is a certain scene where the narrator awakens to an ear-deafening scream from his uncle; upon finding his uncle he

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