
The Themes Of Intertemporal Price Relationships And Commodity Storage

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Over the past hundred years, the topics of intertemporal price relationships and commodity storage have yielded a diverse range of research questions, and a number of interrelated, yet sometimes contradicting theories. This chapter gives a summary of the most influential theories on these subjects, and relates them to the thesis. The four main themes identified are the theory of normal backwardation, the theory of price of storage, the theory of competitive storage and the spatial-temporal interpretation of storage. The main contributions to the literature will be grouped along these themes, in a more or less chronological order. It must be noted that with the passage of time, competing commodity storage theories evolved and interacted with one another in a way that categorizing individual articles into one of the four main themes identified is a considerable challenge on its own. …show more content…

However, this review is expected to shed light on the most important controversies researchers faced in relation to intertemporal price relationships, and summarizes the answers they have given. In this chapter, a selection of studies and articles on the subjects of stationarity, unit roots and bubbles, hedging and decision-making and behavioural economics are also discussed. These are more loosely connected to the broad topics of intertemporal price relationships and commodity storage, but are closely related to the study. The chapter is concluded with a summary of observations about the development of intertemporal price relationships and the driving forces behind, approaching from a practical, grain industry focussed

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