
The Theories And Models Of Behavior And Behavior Change

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Mirror published a story about a father and husband who totally spied members of his family. [1] He installed an application on their mobile devices which allowed him to control their location, to read their emails, text messages. This application allows him even to listen to their conversations and to see who they are with via camera. While this story makes an impression as being fabricated, it could serve as a basis to deliberate about aspects of human nature. Though the husband’s misdeed is at least controversial from legal and ethical point of view, nevertheless the causative effects of his behaviour is a matter of concern in this paper. I will talk about the human behaviour first, about how it is perceived from a scientific …show more content…

We can find out, that he is a web developer and a technology geek. We can also find that his wife knew about the application and that she witnessed couple of times when the application was used. We cannot specify neither genetic factors or core faith. We can assume that the story is about typical British family and in this way, we can assume the British culture and social norms are the background of the story. We know very little about real husband’s attitude. He confessed that safety was his concern. But we don’t know whether he is honest and whether this is the whole truth. Therefore, I think that it doesn’t make sense to try and analyse the story in depth, because the story is rather shallow. However, basing on the story we can explore some what-if scenarios, like what if the wife didn’t know about the application, what if the husband lied and his intentions was not so harmless as he explained. The interesting part of the story is that it touches the problem which appeared quite recently. If we take into account permanent character of husband’s espionage, and if we make an assumption that it was done without explicit consent of his wife and his children, then this story illustrates a problem which has become quite prevalent lately – a stalking. I’m going to explore this problem in more detail and I will try to find its relevance to the story mentioned above. I will also try to identify causative

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