
According To Any Of The Labeling Theories

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Final Exam
Short Answer
1. What is meant by the concept of a “societal reaction?” According to any of the labeling theories, describe two ways that the reactions of others might affect a person being defined as a deviant.

@According to labeling theory, the societal reaction refers to the responses of formal and informal agencies of social control towards deviances, no behavior is inherently deviant on its own, instead it is this reaction to the behavior that determines what is considered to be deviant.
@One way that the reactions of others might affect a person being defined as a deviant involves the concept of vigilantism, to some people they see vigilantes as heroes and thus they advocate to legalize their actions while to others they see vigilantes as deviant as they are no better than the crooks that they are trying to catch and thus they advocate to criminalize their actions
@Another way that the reactions of others might affect a person being defined as a deviant involves the discussion of police killings to some people they see the police as heroes and thus they argue that sometimes dangerous situations call for extreme actions while to others they see police killings as horrid and reckless and thus they argue that they should focus more on subduing their suspects rather than shooting them so advocate to criminalize their actions.

2. What are two of the primary contributions of feminist criminology/feminist theory?

@The first of the two of the general

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