
The Theories Of Viruses : Viruses

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Viruses are one of the oldest and most diverse creations in the world. Viruses which are obligate intracellular parasites are studied by many who try to understand them and try to prove how they work, where they come from and how to classify them. The Baltimore system classifies them by how they replicate and the composition of their genome but classifying viruses is quite difficult. Viruses are not able to replicate on their own and require a host in which they hijack their cellular machinery and use it to their own benefit in making their own viral cells. Some viruses carry enzymes along with them such as reverse transcriptase to perform reverse transcription. Some they are finding are able to replicate to a small degree on their own so in the future they may not be classified as nonliving and they may find their own domain among our studies. All viruses have their own way to infect a host but all need a host as of now. How did these entities come into existence? This is exactly what I will talk about; I will explain the three theories of the origin of viruses as well as some remarkable aspects of their current evolution and some of the many ways they thrive and continue to exist even when they can’t exist without an organism.
THEORIES OF ORIGIN Viruses can infect any organism whether they are in the bacteria domain or the Archaea domain or even our fellow humans, pigs and lovable animals in the Eukarya domain. Viruses show remarkable relationships in the way they have

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