
The Theory Of Development, And Behavior Therapy

Decent Essays

Thus far in graduate school, I have found three theories to be the most influential for me in developing my very own personal counseling style. These three theories are: Rogerian 's person-centered approach, Erikson 's theory of Development, and Behavior Therapy. At this point in time, I do not have an approach or theory that I favor over the other two. I believe all three of these will be equally successful in helping me provide competent and successful counseling in the future. I chose these three theories because I believe they will all be very helpful when working with children. I am concentrating on mental health counseling for children and adolescents so these three will all come in handy. Children communicate differently than adults so it is important to use approaches with children that will help them with their communicating styles so I can be more effective as a counselor with these age group. Children are not for everyone especially the younger ones because they can be more difficult, but I believe with the few years I have put into Elementary Education, I can also use that knowledge to communicate and learn from this group. They cannot just talk to you about their problems like most adults can so instead of sitting them on a couch and waiting for them to be ready to open up, I believe it is important to look at their play. A child 's play will tell counselors everything they need to know about this client. We can learn about any abuse, disorders,

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