
The Theory Of Leadership Styles

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Introduction There are a number of different theories of leadership styles applied in education today. One contingency style of leadership, which has triggered debate amongst scholars, is the path-goal theory wherein its primary aim is to align methodology with circumstances. The application of this theory can lead to a number of improvements in the educational setting which include increased motivation, satisfaction, and capacity. Although this theory has been in existence for more than three decades; scholars argue that it has not been adequately researched. On the contrary, transformational leadership has been widely studied and proven to be effective. The application of this theory involves the leader 1) acting as the moral exemplar 2) building awareness and articulating the vision and 3) improving team capacity. The path-goal theory as well as the transformational leadership theory will be examined in depth in order to determine future implications for educational leaders.

Path-Goal and Transformational Leadership Theories “As the old saying goes, if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” (Kaplan & Owings, 2012, pp. 145). This statement exemplifies the movement in educational leadership towards a more decentralized approach. Educational leaders have the immeasurable task of moving a school community towards achieving their vision for all students while motivating a school community. Exemplary leaders make

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