
The Therapy Is Ineffective Or Unethical?

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During the 1900’s, families sent their homosexual relatives to mental institutions to “cure” them of what was believed to be a disease. There they underwent shock therapy, one of the many methods used in conversion therapy. In 1920, Sigmund Freud began the practice of changing a person 's sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. In the beginning homosexuality was also deemed as “ a negative human characteristic caused by immaturity, pathology and family dynamic” (McCormick 171). Soon its popularity had scientists such as Eugen Steinach, Sandor Ferenczi as well as his daughter Anna Freud partook in the practice. If they were not sent to mental institutions, they were brought to local pastors or priests for therapy “While Michael …show more content…

In “refusal to identify with masculinity”, gay males may also want to be cured due to the inability to bond with straight males. As stated by a client of Joseph Nicolosi “ these monolithic macho things I couldn’t relate to”. Nicolosi and Freeman believed that due this inability a homosexual may feel “too superior or inferior to establish the mutuality necessary for friendship” (Healing Homosexuality 220).
Having a platonic relationship with the same-sex isn’t always easy due to the fears a heterosexual may have when they have homosexual friends. Sometimes the lack of same-sex friends can allow for one to often feel isolated. Carl Charles, a survivor of conversion therapy, once was told by his pastor “you think Jesus wants you to be a dyke? You think Jesus died so you can march down the street with all your faggot friends?” (Charles) This so-called “therapy” made Carl feel isolated: “I couldn’t tell my friends, and adults I thought I could trust” (Charles). Not only is isolation one of the effects of conversion therapy but an APA study done in 2009 concluded that “ depression, guilt, helplessness, shame, social withdrawal, suicidality and self-blame” are risks taken when enacting in the therapy. The study also concluded that these “risks are even greater for youth. Minors who experience family rejection based on their

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