
The Things They Carried Kiowa Character Traits

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Character Analysis Essay Throughout the story, The Things They Carried, written by Tim O’Brien, the author presents Kiowa as a complex and intelligent trooper by using multiple indirect and sometimes confusing quotes like, “The earth is slow, but the buffalo is patient…” (O’Brien 35). These mystical and spiritual quotes/characteristics are why many readers become intrigued by him. Some of these characterizations can be found through the character’s thoughts, his actions/what he says, and what others say about him. Overall, Kiowa was known for being a kind trooper, a man with his beliefs straight, and a well-respected human being. Numerous times in this book Kiowa indirectly characterizes himself as a very well-rounded, gentleman by what he …show more content…

After Kiowa’s death, Jimmy Cross decides to write a letter to Kiowa’s father, saying, “...what a fine soldier Kiowa had been, what a fine human being…” (157). This was the first time in this story that Jimmy Cross had personally written a note to a family member of one of his deceased troopers, which showed how valuable Kiowa actually was to him and the rest of the group. Along with Jimmy Cross, Azar also openly announced his remorse for the young, dead, Native American. Although, Azar showed it in a very hidden way by exclaiming to Norman Bowker, “‘Listen… Those dumb jokes-- I didn’t mean anything.’” Azar was known throughout the entire book for being tough and for cracking extremely insensitive jokes like the one about Kiowa’s death, but after he saw Kiowa’s body, he immediately regretted what he said. Just like Jimmy Cross never wrote personal letters about his trooper(s), Azar never apologized or felt remorse for his wrong doings until Kiowa’s death. Both of these characters exhibited their emotions in different ways, but in the end, they both came to the same conclusion; Kiowa was an amazing man and did not deserve the indecent death he

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