
The Three Components Of Moral Values

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The three components that you must consider when you evaluate the morality of an act is by the objective act, the subjective motive, and the situation of the circumstance. For each of these acts, we also follow the moral laws which are external, universal, and immutable. Moral values go against the moral laws because they focus in on internal and relative meanings. God wants us to follow the moral laws because that is the true action while moral values make you decide between good and bad. The objective act is the easiest of the three acts of morality because it means not to do any evil. Most people do not want to cause evil on other people, yet some people find it enjoyable to do bad things just for the fun of it. When you commit this act you are always certain that you are doing and you know of it. If the person had no intentions except for doing evil, then it is an objective act. An example of the objective act would be to take a lollipop away from a baby and to throw it away afterwards. Because the act of taking one's lollipop away and throwing it away serves for no purpose than you making the baby upset, it is an objective act because you did something wrong just to do harm. The second component that you must consider when you evaluate the morality of an act is by the subjunctive motive. The subjunctive motive, or the motive and intention, is doing an act which involves doing good but you would only do it if you got some kind of a reward at the end of the day. In

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