
The Tip Of The Tongue

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The tip-of-the-tongue (or TOT) phenomenon is the inability to retrieve a specific word, while typically knowing quite a lot of information about it. In recent years, experimental psychologists interested in human memory have studied the TOT phenomenon in the hope of better understanding why this mental process is interrupted as well as any useful techniques for overcoming it. This paper describes two sets of experiments held at separate American universities. The first set of experiments investigates which phonological components are capable of facilitating word retrieval. The second assesses how often a group of subjects could retrieve rare target words on the basis of their definition alone, while simultaneously comparing semantic and phonological cues for the target words.

The Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon:
A Momentary Inability to Retrieve Words Stored in Our Memory
The tip-of-the-tongue (or TOT) is an experience involving difficulty retrieving a specific word or name, while knowing that it is stored in your memory. Individuals experiencing the TOT phenomenon tend to recall one or more features of the target word, such as the number of syllables it is comprised of, or its initial sound and letter. People in this state report feelings of anguish and frustration when searching for the word, and a sense of relief when the word is finally found. For example, in conversation or in writing you might have had the experience of trying, but failing to

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