
The Toughest Decision of My Life Essay

Good Essays

The Toughest Decision of My Life

People are often asked the question, “If I could go back in time, what would I

change?” But have you ever really thought about the answer to that question? What

would you change or what would you keep the same? Accius, a character from Medea,

said, “Change rules all things.” (II 118) I never realized how true this would be. When I

look back in life, there are many things that I would change, but there is one decision that

I am very thankful that I made. That was the decision to continue living with my

grandparents and not to move in with my mother.

It was a normal afternoon after school when I returned to my house after a busy

day in sixth grade. My grandfather was busy …show more content…

Also, living with my mother would

make me have to leave my grandparents. I had been with them for thirteen years of my

life and I couldn’t stand hurting them by just up and leaving the first time my mother

asked me to. They had given up their happiness to provide and care for me and now I

was just going to leave? They loved me and I loved them too much for that. Finally,

through the years my mother and I had seemed to grow apart from each other. She had

lived out of town for the duration of my life and I honestly didn’t really know that much

about her. I had no idea what she liked, what she didn’t like, or how to act around her.

Would we have anything in common? If we did, what would it be? I didn’t know what

to think. If you look at it on other hand, it could be chance for me to get to know her and

bond with her. But was I ready for that?

On the other hand, I could stay where I was. I had been there thirteen years and it

had worked out just fine for me, so why should I move away? I just sat and remembered

all the times I had spent with my grandparents, baking cookies at Christmas for Santa, or

going hunting and fishing with my granddad for the very first time. And then I tried to

think of memories that I had with my mother … and there were none. Also, through

thirteen years of school I had grown very close to my friends

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