
The Tragedy Of William Shakespeare 's Macbeth

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To believe that everything in the universe has a specific place and rank in order of their hierarchy importance created by God is known as the concept of The Great Chain of Being. The order of this concept consisted of God, angels, humanity, animals, vegetation life, leading all the way down to crud. Within each category, more specific classification existed, in a way that still placed these subcategories in a specific order. As this was believed during Elizabethan times, William Shakespeare also believed in the Great Chain of Being, as many of his plays are prominently based on this concept. Some of his plays include characters that accept their place on the Chain, but others do not react so smoothly. By examining 3 different characters from Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of King Richard the Second, Macbeth, and Lear, it is obvious who is content with their place on the Chain and who have a difficult time accepting their place.
In Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, time works quickly against these star-crossed lovers. Romeo and Juliet create their own little world and when they’re inside their little world, nothing else seems to matter. The problem that occurs is the macrocosm, Verona, will eventually swallow up the microcosm of Romeo and Juliet. With the feuding between the noble families of the Capulet’s and Montague’s, neither members of the family are supposed to associate with each other. Romeo, the son of Montague, meets Juliet, and after falling in love with

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