
The Transmission Model Of ' Banking ' Education Essay

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Furthermore, through his critique of traditional education, Friere asserted that the transmission model of ‘Banking’ education was prevalent, and was used by the hegemonic class to ensure the oppressed remained within a repressive state, in the Magical Consciousness state, and were unaware of their own oppression. Additionally, through the banking model the educator is viewed as the fount of all knowledge, and views the student as an empty container, whom the educator must fill with knowledge. Through this approach ‘the educator is active, the Subject, and the learner’s passive, or Objects’ and acts to ‘transmit knowledge based on dominant interests in society’ (Ledwith, 2015, p. 50). Moreover, through this approach there is a distinct lack of critical thinking, which in turn, leads to the individuals remaining within a state of ‘Magical Consciousness’ and unable to develop Conscientisation, and become aware of their socio-economic and political oppression. In the view of Critical Pedagogues, Conscientisation, can only be reached through abolishing the dichotomous banking approach, and implementing the Critical Pedagogy methods of Praxis-orientated, problem-posing education, wherein the educator seeks to enter into dialogue with the learner.
Moreover, contrastively to the Banking approach, Critical Pedagogy begins with the assumption that transformative education is possible, through the educator entering into mutual dialogue with the learner, and uses a problem-posing

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