
The Treaty of Versailles Essay

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The Treaty of Versailles In January of 1919, Woodrow Wilson of the United States, David LLoyd George Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Orlando of Italy convened in Paris to Create a peace settlement that would put an end to World War I -- a war which devastated numerous countries throughout the world, and one that had threatened the chances of peace ever existing in the future among the nations of Europe. Known as the Treaty of Versailles, its goal was to restore a new nationalism throughout the world by creating new states and forming new boundaries. However, conflicts which resulted over dispute border regions between Germany and Poland. Austria and …show more content…

However, the failure of the United States to join the League consequently resulted in a lack of interest of international enthusiasm towards the League. It gradually became ineffectual as it failed to deal with growing international crises in the mid 1920 to 1930's. This failure immediately caused much unrest in France for it was relying on help should Germany pose as a threat in the later years. The problem was solved when Great Britain and the United States agreed to form a defensive alliance should France come under attack. Nonetheless, France was still wary towards Germany, particularly because after the war, Germany suffered from a rising inflation, and after a year of paying France war indemnities, they were unable to continue to do so. Because the French were afraid that Germany was violating the Treaty of Versailles, troops were sent in to occupy the Rubs valley until Germany was able to allocate the funds. Both countries suffered because of this. German money became worthless as the government scrambled to print paper money, and the maintenance of French troops in German territory was costly for the French as well.

Germans were particularly angered by the war resolutions and deemed the provisions of the Treaty unjust and unfair. According to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was required to give up various territories, such as Alsace, West

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