
The United States And Wyoming Economy Essay

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The crackling and popping of the large redwood finally falling was a sweet noise to my grandpa Ray’s tired arms. He stood back and watched with satisfaction as the tree began to fall away from him, but as it fell the large tree hit the branch of another tree and instead of knocking over the other tree or breaking the branch, this large tree was heading straight for him. He saw this and stepped back to move out of the way and fell over a stump. He cried out in agony as the log fell onto his leg. The happenings in the U.S. and Wyoming economy in the 90s and the conditions my grandmother, Cindy Pittsley, faced caused her to move from Dubois to a few different places before she settled in Glenrock and led her to where she is today. My grandmother, 62 today, has lived an eventful life very unknown to her 22 grandchildren. Most of us know she was married to our grandfather, Ray Pittsley, at the young age of 16, however, before and after that is mysterious. They settled in Dubois, Wyoming and raised a family of three girls and two boys. During their children’s teens and twenties, my grandparents worked for the Louisiana Pacific Sawmill in Dubois, Wyoming. This company logged in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana and created the job industry in these places. At the sawmill, my grandmother worked the post peeler. “I would generally work eight hours a day. It wasn’t hard hard work, but it was work.” Cindy would go to work no matter the weather and no one would ever hear a grumble. While

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