
The Usage Of Cell Phones And Social Media

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The Usage of Cell Phones and Social Media in Healthcare In the past decade, we have seen smart phones and social media increasingly taking over our daily lives and becoming the “norm”. Our phones have become part of our daily use and are currently used as an alarm clock, obtaining updates on sporting events and news, weather updates, video chat and posting updates on any social media. Although phones have been providing exceptional ways for providers to keep in touch with one another it has also opened up possible risks as far as patient’s privacy being breached. Therefore, causing legal and ethical problems between healthcare providers and patients. In this paper, I will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of phones in …show more content…

As you can see this can sometimes become a tempting matter when a famous or well know individual is being treated. In the scenario provided the nurse not only broke patients’ rights, she also broke the moral and professional obligation to protect the patient’s privacy. It can be exciting and gratifying to be able to assist in the care of someone you admire as an artist but your duty, respect, and trust to protect the patient’s privacy should never be breached. Although she posted the picture on her day off it does not make it acceptable to post n social media. Moreover, the nurse took actions that can potentially jeopardize her position as a nurse, her integrity to the patient and her employer raise many questions. I would like to discuss some advantages that the cell phone provides. First, it has become a faster way among colleagues and staff to communicate and get a hold of each other. Second, the applications it offers has brought many benefits to the provider as well as the patient. Lastly, cell phones provide convenience while on the go. These are just some examples of positive things cells phones are positively used for. I’ll now go into deeper details on how this can usage can be beneficial. The first advantage that will be discussed is communication. Cells phones have improved communication between health care providers and their colleagues.

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