
The Use Of A Pneumatic Compression Device On The Incidence Of Developing Deep Vein Thrombosis

Decent Essays

Death from deep vein thrombosis developed in a healthcare setting can potentially be prevented or reduced. Prophylactic measures backed by evidence based practice need to be taken to help these incidents. Awareness must be raised with nursing staff, medical doctors and other healthcare professions. Many different modalities can help prevent the development of deep vein thrombosis; this paper will concentrate a mechanical method. This research proposal examines whether the use of a pneumatic compression device reduces the incidence of developing deep vein thrombosis compared to no intervention during the period of hospitalization. The research design being utilized is a true experimental study. Participants will be placed into either the experimental group that will receive the intervention of the pneumatic compression device. The other control group will not receive any intervention. Possible implications of this study could be a change in protocol regarding pneumatic compression device practice. The study postulates that a pneumatic compression device will reduce the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the hospitalized patient.

Prophylactic Use of a Pneumatic Compression Device Pulmonary embolism resulting from deep vein thrombosis is the most common preventable cause of hospital death (Maynard, 2015). Consequently, the Surgeon General has called to action to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis in the healthcare setting can be reduced through

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