
Power Of Artificial Intelligence

Decent Essays

The power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing at an alarmingly dangerous rate and has the potential to take over the world if we do not come together as a whole and put regulations on the usage of it. Artificial Intelligence is defined as “The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior” (Merriam-Webster). As we know Artificial intelligence now, it is fairly simple for the uses that we have for it, such as SIRI on Apple devices, AI controlled video game opponents, and Google’s search algorithms predicting what you are going to type into its search bar. That is only the beginning of Artificial Intelligence’s many capabilities. Global militaries are researching and developing technology for war that uses AI, car manufacturers are teaching AI how to drive cars by itself, IBM uses its AI creation “Watson” to help businesses make decisions and grow, and thousands of other major companies and powerful nations are using it in many unique ways. It contains many different unique parts, but the main uses are: Learning, Reasoning, Perception, Reasoning, Problem solving, and using Natural Language (Copeland 2017). We need to regulate or eliminate the use of AI in war around the globe, stabilize the economy after implementation of AI, and reduce or eliminate the inequality caused by it. AI controlled killing machines used in warfare, sounds cool, right? They might sound like quite the sight to see, but what happens when they become smart enough and decide to turn against the people who created them and are using them for their own gain? How do we stop them? That is one question that many people have, but none seemed to know the answer. What are the ethics behind using robots to kill people? For example, is it not just as bad as a government that has chemical weapons, that uses them against people that do not? None of the government's forces are harmed, yet thousands of people are harmed and killed from the weapons, and it only takes one fighter jet and pilot to drop the bomb. It is the same with the AI controlled robots, they could be deployed halfway across the world, yet be controlled by someone on the complete other side of earth, without any threat of danger or harm. We need regulations like

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