From the Vox article about Gun control in America, I conceive that declining the amount of gun usage would not going to decrease the gun violence in United States. Gun violence includes many other cruelty such as addictive substances, mental disorders, suicide and homicide. In United States homicides of firearms are on high peak (based on the chart that provided by the Vox website) other countries like Canada and Sweden has six and seven times less homicide rates compare to United States. Germany has sixteen times less homicides compare to America. It is unbelievable for me, because I didn’t have knowledge about this before. It is shocking to see that this problems is increasing every day and we are not acting on it. Our politicians say a lot
Using this definition, a 2016 study published in the journal Violence and Victims reported that 292 mass shooting incidents took place worldwide between 1966 and 2012; nearly one-third of these were in the United States.”(DiLascio, 2017). The statistics are the answer to whether or not limiting firearms in The United States will help in the overall goal of limiting firearm violence. Other Countries such as England and Japan have more regulations on firearms and it limits the firearm related murders in those Countries. “Have some of the tightest gun control measures in the world, also feature some of the world’s lowest gun homicide rates (per 100,000 people, 0.04 killings and 0.03, respectively).The United States, by contrast, has a rate of 3.42 gun murders per 100,000 people-100 times greater than England or Japan” (Ballaro, 2016). Over the years gun crime has decreased a lot. “ Although gun crime declined steadily throughout the 1990s and early 2000s-thanks in part, perhaps, to the assault weapons ban still in force at the time-it increased sharply in 2005 and has been on a steady rise since. In 2008, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan group of 300 US mayors, found that homicides from handguns were highest in states with the most lenient gun laws” (Ballaro,
Did you know that in the United States almost 100,000 people are shot or killed with a gun in one year? Ten thousand, five hundred and twenty-seven people die a year in handgun related incidents in the United States. This number, by far, outweighs the number of gun related deaths in countries such as Sweden, Great Britain, and Japan, which number thirteen, twenty-two, and eighty-seven, respectively. What is the reason for such drastic differences in numbers? Sweden, Great Britain, and Japan are all countries that have stricter gun control laws than the US. Mind you, these are just the number of deaths caused by handgun related incidents; however, that isn’t counting the thousands of deaths caused by
The Australian (2013) reported about a man who shot at workers at the naval headquarters in Washington and killed 12 innocent people. It also says that in America the murder rate related to gun shooting is three times more than other countries. These all are just due to easier gun laws and more access to them. As the U.S President Barack Obama said “The main difference that sets our nation apart, what makes us so susceptible to so many mass shootings is we don’t do enough, we don’t take the basic common sense actions to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people.” (The Australian , 2013)
The article I chose to read and summarize is called “The Current and Future State of Gun Control in the United States”. This article mainly focuses on, obviously gun control, but also the fact that there have only been a few changes to the law regarding firearms in the last century. Several laws and situations involving gun control are mentioned throughout the article as well. This article touches on many topics, it touches on federal laws, state laws, the courts, policy options, registration to own a firearm, and felons.
There are approximately 33,000 gun-related deaths each year in America. 62% of these deaths are suicides and the other 38% are homicides. Most would agree that these numbers are simply outrageous, hence the current controversy. By enforcing gun control policies, there is a possibility of massively reducing this number, hence why gun control is very heavily advocated in society. However, we are a far away from seeing any major policies passed that will substantially decrease the amount of gun-related deaths per
The United States honestly have just too many guns per people. If Americans wasn’t as heavily armed maybe these shootings would lessen or maybe even stop. In the article, Do Countries with Stricter Gun Laws Really Have Less Crime or Fewer Homicides? wrote by Nicholas Gerbis states that the U.S. has the most
The Orlando nightclub shooting in Florida on June 12, 2016 was the single largest massacre in U.S history, taking the lives of 50 individuals, including the shooter himself, and injuring 53 others. This is one extreme example of the gun violence that has been occurring in this country, but mass shootings like this and the one at Newton in 2012 are only a small part of our gun violence issue. The everyday gun violence that takes place in cities all across the United States claims the lives of thousands every single year. According to The Guardian, 33,500 civilians die each year because of gun brutality- “that’s about 1 life every 15 minutes” (Beckett). Between the years of 1999 and 2013, there were 464,003 gun deaths in the U.S, about 58% of them were suicides 37% were homicides. ( Gun violence and the consequences of that violence, have become a real and dangerous problem in the U.S , why else would the CDC list the United States as having the highest rate of gun violence out of all developed countries today? (Gale Opposing Viewpoints) This issue is not just attributable to a single factor, there are several that play an important part in why gun violence is such an issue in the U.S, namely laws and poverty; and in these causes we can also find solutions.
The United States’ homicide rate (5.9 deaths per 100,000 people as of 2005) is higher when compared to other countries: Sweden with 1.3, Canada with 1.5, and Australia with 1.3. To go along with these rates, America has a higher gun ownership with 39% when compared to Canada with 29.1%, Australia with 19.4% and Sweden with 15.1%. Many argue that these statistics prove the effectiveness of gun control. Fewer amount of guns equals less crime.
Most recently the country of Australia put a ban on all weapons and required its citizens to turn in for disposal millions of weapons that included family heirlooms, hunting weapons and personal protection weapons. In the years following this regulation, there has been a significant rise in the crime rate that is arguably the result of citizens being unable to protect themselves and deter criminals. Another country, Mexico, has far more strict laws on gun control than the United States and studies show that there were 10 gun homicides per 100,000 people in Mexico compared to the United States having 3 per 100,000 people (Chalabi). With just this bit of information, it can be deduced that more gun control does not solve the issue of deaths by guns or result in lowering crime
According to the 2010 study there were 31,672 fatalities due to firearms. The following year the number went up to 32,163. Homicides that are a result from guns are relatively high in the States and they take more than eleven thousand lives a year. According to Vision for Humanity, an initiative for the Economics and Peace, the United States is ranked 99 out of 162 countries in the 2013 global peace index, homicide rates and violent crimes are among the various criteria used to determine the ranking (Vision of Humanity). Mass shootings at work places, schools, shopping malls and places of worship are happening in an alarming frequency. While the Newtown shooting is one of the horrific ones, it certainly isn’t the only one that happened in the last two years alone. There were several other mass shootings that took the lives of many all across America. While there are other significant problems in America that need our attention, in my opinion, increasing rate of Gun violence is the most significant problem in American that needs to be addressed.
The issue of gun violence has recently grown in importance worldwide. In 2018 so far, there has been around 9,000 injuries and 5,000 deaths due to gun violence. What has happened in society to cause this increase and what can be done to decrease gun violence? Many feel that there are not enough gun laws and others feel that no more gun licenses should be issued. All that anyone can agree on is that things need to change. The United States government can decrease gun violence by creating stronger background checks for all people applying for a license, educating people on gun violence, and creating equal gun laws in all fifty states.
The murder rate in the U.S. has increased not because there are too many guns, but because gang members have caused this problem. Most of the people who got murdered were felons, and most homicides were gang related. Also, people have became afraid of visiting many cities due to the gang violence. In that situation, they prefer to stay indoors. Murder rates in cities are most likely to be high, and many people using weapons is destroying our society. Overall, citizens that use weapons should feel guilty for the consequences they commit. Regardless the violence, the gun culture is out of
A CBS article by Robert Preidt, states, “Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States' gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher.” With such wide accessibility to powerful firearms, Americans are at a much higher risk of gun violence. This statistic demonstrates that the United States is far behind on gun legislation compared to other advanced nations in the world. AJ Willingham states in his CNN article, “From 1966 to 2012, nearly a third of the world's mass shootings took place in the U.S. This is according to a 2016 study that used the FBI definition of 'mass shooting' ... While the U.S. has 5% of the world's population, it had 31% of all public mass shootings.” The gun violence epidemic in the United States is most notably highlighted in the statistic provided by Willingham. Even though the United States has such a small population size compared to the rest of the world, the gun violence rates are higher than any other nation. This demonstrates America’s leniency in gun legislation compared to other nations. England and Japan possess some of the tightest gun control measures in the world while simultaneously featuring some of the lowest gun violence rates (Ballaro and Finley). The correlation between strict gun control measures and gun-related deaths is evident in the statistics of other economic powers in the world, so why has the United States not taken measures to strengthen gun legislation? Similarly, Beverly Ballaro states in her article, “In 2008, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan group of 300 US mayors, found that homicides from handguns were highest in states with the most lenient gun laws.” This statistic coincides with the previous data concerning strict gun control measures and the correlation with gun-related deaths. By increasing gun control, the gun-related deaths in the
Co-founder Sean Davis the website wrote an article about Gun Control. The credibility of the website decreases as the writer starts the article in a biased tone. The writer argues how the debate about gun control and cycling repetition of the same issues over and over again. That facts should be discussed rather than myths. “Never in my life have I been required to fill out federal form 4473 and have the cashier run a background check on me before being allowed to buy an onion.”As Davis states that he himself a gun owner where he discusses the comment Former Barrack Obama said about buying guns. ”Last March, President Barack Obama was asked about guns during a press conference, and he responded by saying, “It’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable.” Ignoring for the moment that the president does not understand the difference between a clip and a magazine, his claim is not true (Davis.)” Davis sounds defensive as he explained why buying a gun is not easier than buying a vegetable. Where Davis claim, never in his life did he ever fill out the federal form 4473 and background check to be able to buy an onion at the store.
Why American people cannot stop their gun criminals? Nowadays, a lot of tragic gun shootings are happening in the US. For example, a gunman killed 58 people and 546 people injured by indiscriminate gun shooting on the Las Vegas in october 2017. In addition, a gunman killed 25 church members, including unborn child on the Texas in November 2017. These tragic cases are just part of gun shooting case in the US history. However, US government and most American people do not decide to do gun control.