
The War Of The British Army

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In 1775, America attacked its Mother Country in war. But Why? The Prime Minister of England, George Grenville, issued many laws that taxed the colonist for almost everything they bought or sold. The pastors and speakers of this era saw that they were being treated unfairly by their Mother Country and took a stand against it. These men of God spoke out against mistreatment and the unjust laws that had been placed on them. But how significant was the impact made by pastors and speakers on the people that heard their messages? If we look at history, we see ragtag groups of patriots fighting the British Army in what seems like an unfair fight. What inspired these men to stand and fight? I believe it was the influence of pastors and speakers …show more content…

After he heard about the battles fought at Lexington, he gave a sermon about times to preach and times to fight. He then took off his robe to reveal a Continental Army uniform. He went on to fight in the battles of Brandywine, Monmouth, and Yorktown. He was eventually promoted to major-general for his heroics in battle, and he served under George Washington. His gravestone reads, "“He was Brave in the field, Faithful in the Cabinet, Honorable in all his transactions, a Sincere Friend, and an Honest Man.”Jonas Clark was the pastor of the Church of Lexington. He was warned by Dr. Joseph Warren that British troops were coming to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams, who were staying in his home. Clark told the people in his church to get ready to fight, and roughly 150 to 200 men with muskets stood at Lexington Green. When the 800 hundred British troops entered the Green, both sides exchanged shots. Eight colonists died immediately, and the ragtag army fired from behind cover. Some of Clark’s men escorted John Hancock and Sam Adams away from the battle, saving their lives. James Caldwell was the pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. In the battle of Springfield, he yelled, "Give 'em Watts, boys!" He encouraged the men under his command to use the paper from a nearby churches ' Watts hymnals for the wadding of their muskets. The Loyalists hated him so much they burned down his house and church.

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