
The British And Indian War

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The first successful British settlement, motivated for economic gain, in the New World was in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Religious persecution in England, due to the Protestant Reformation, encouraged the settlement of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony. The popularity for economic and religious opportunity sparked exoduses such as the The Great Migration. The British westward expansion led to land claim disputes with the French on the Ohio River Valley and the Northeast fisheries. These disputes led to the French and Indians uniting against Britain in the war known as the the French and Indian War. Although American relations with Britain remained economically similar in the time before and after the French and Indian War in that Great Britain relied on the American colonies for revenue, the French and Indian War was a significant political turning point in that Great Britain’s period of benign neglect ended and Americans began challenging Britain’s authority; therefore, the French and Indian War marked a significant turning point in American relations with Great Britain. Although the French and Indian War marked a significant turning point, the American and British economic relations remained the same in that Great Britain relied on America for revenue both before and after the French and Indian War. For example, the Navigation Act of 1660 enforced by Great Britain both before and after the French and Indian War restricted America’s trade with other foreign

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