
The Way We Never Were Analysis

Decent Essays

Imagine someone getting attacked just because of how they look, the way they talk, or where they come from.When a new president is to be elected there is always some type of drama going on between both parties. This year though, the candidate for the republican party has been disrespectful to many races and handicap people. Many who follow him tend to think the same way they just never had a presidential candidate express their opinion like Trump does, so many were not motivated to act the way they act now. These Trump rallies tend to surprise many because of how much hate is seen towards everyone who has different views or is a different race than white at these rallies. Imagine passing by some of these rallies or a supporter and witness seeing them bash someone because of their …show more content…

On the one hand, some argue that former republican presidents never used the type of language Trump supporters or Donald Trump use. Stephanie Coontz stated in the article “As Status and Security Eroded, Rage Has Risen for Trump Supporters” that Donald trump has motivated racism and hatred among many. Many of the Trump supporters support him because they do not appreciate that other races and women are now starting to get payed more than white men. These supporters believe that Trump may be the solution for this. Coontz believes that Donald Trump has persuaded many negative things and instead of uniting the country it's falling apart.“Donald Trump has tapped into a deep vein of racism, nativism, and misogyny”(Coontz 1).Basically, Coontz is saying that Donald Trump has motivated his supporters to act the way they do because he, himself acts the same way. Similarly Robert P. Jones founding chief executive thinks the same way as

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