
The Week Placement Completed At Time Tax Ltd, A Small Chartered Accountancy Firm Based

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This essay stems from the 4 week placement completed at Time Tax Ltd, a small chartered accountancy firm based in Birmingham. I worked in the tax department and had a variety of different roles, but mainly dealt with company tax returns to see whether or not companies were paying the correct amounts to HMRC. During my placement, an IT company representative came in and offered the management accountant an ERP system which he believed would be ideal for the company’s operations. The management team were already contemplating a system change and having studied a module on Information Systems (IS), I felt it was necessary to advise my manager to consider other computing systems before making a final-decision. The knowledge gained at university had given me an insight into the different types of systems that companies could adopt, and helped me to understand the problems that management accountants could face when choosing either an enterprise-resource-planning or a best-of-breed standalone system. This allowed me to give my own thoughtful opinions and allowed me to talk in depth with the individuals who would be making the important decision whether or not to change their current operating system. Whilst at Time Tax Ltd, it was apparent that the old legacy system that they currently adopted had compatibility issues and data-sharing between the different departments was at times difficult. Moreover, I was informed that high maintenance and intricate

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