
Essay on The World Is Too Much for Us

Decent Essays

In William Wordsworth's "The World is Too Much With Us," this poem heeds warning to his generation. This warning is that they are losing sight of what is actually important in this world: nature and God. To some people both of these are the same thing " if lacking appreciation for the natural gifts of God is not sin enough, we add to it the insult of pride for our rape of His land" (Wordsworth). With his words, Wordsworth makes this message perpetual and everlasting. William Wordsworth loved nature and based many of his poems on it. He uses very strong diction to get his point and feelings across. This poem expresses Wordsworth's feeling about nature and religion containing a melodic rhythm (Wordsworth). Each line and each …show more content…

These lines (5-7) suggest that nature is helpless and unknown to the destruction man is doing. "For this, for everything, we are out of tune;" (8) proposes that even in the spectacle of a storm, human beings (adults) look on uncaringly implying that we, humans, don't realize the damage we are inflicting on helpless nature (Wordsworth). The symbolism created by the images and metaphors represent Wordsworth's deep passion about the conflict between nature and modern progress. Images and metaphors alluding to mankind's greed, nature's innocence, and the speaker's rejection of accepted principles all serve to illustrate the speaker's passion to save his generation (Gill). The final part, the sestet, Wordsworth wishes that he were a pagan (a heathen) raised according to a different vision of the world, so that, "standing on this pleasant lea" (Nicholas), he might see images of ancient gods rising from the waves, a sight that would cheer him greatly. He wishes he had faith in ancient gods of nature to extract revenge on people. Wordsworth imagines "Proteus rising from the sea" (Nicholas), and Triton "blowing his wreathed horn" (Nicholas). His dream of these ancient gods of the sea would save nature from man. Wordsworth, in the sestet, dramatically proposes an impossible personal solution to his problem—he wishes he could have been born and raised as a pagan, so he could still see ancient gods in the action of

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