
The World Of Graphic Design

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The world of Graphic Design has been revolutionized time and time again with many artists setting high standards for aspiring graphic designers. Two artists who are interesting and innovative in their own ways are graphic designers Chipp Kidd and Jennifer Morla. Kidd has created many design successes with some of his most famous book jackets being Jurassic Park, Naked by Davis Sedaris and All the Pretty Horses. The designs of the books are all drastically diverse, making it difficult to pinpoint the designs to one single artist. However dissimilar the designs are, they have two things in common; they are innovative and perfectly reflect the content of the pages between the covers. Jennifer Morla is an artist with a differing career from Kidd. She focuses on branding of companies rather than book jackets. She has worked with companies such as Levi’s, Apple Computer, Design Within Reach, Wells Fargo, Herman Miller to help form a clean brand for the companies. I am researching the histories of both Chipp Kidd and Jennifer Morla because they are both trailblazers in the Graphic Design world and have come from drastically different backgrounds. Their histories and accomplishments can have a great impact on aspiring graphic designers.

To begin, we will take a trip back in time to the summer of 1964. This was the time when perhaps the most recognizable book cover designer, Chip Kidd, was born. He grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and his infatuation for pop culture and

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