
The World Of The Holocaust

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“I think scars are like battle wounds- beautiful in a way. They show what you’ve been through and how strong you are for coming out of it”-Demi Lovato. On September 1st, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland which caused the start of World War II, and the official establishment of the Third Reich. The Third Reich was the Nazi German Empire that had hoped to achieve a total Aryan race and world domination. Many ethnic groups fell short to Nazi beliefs and were oppressed and destroyed. In order to establish ultimate Aryan perfection, Hitler needed to get rid of anyone he or his Nazi party thought were inferior to their cause. This included crippled, old, homosexuals, gypsies, mentally disabled, and the Jewish people. Over 11 million people were killed during this time, which would later be known in history as the Holocaust. The Holocaust is a known as the genocide and mass extermination against Jewish and other ethnic groups that were found inferior to the Nazi party. This terror lasted until the end of European war. The Holocaust is an extremely important even in our world’s history because it showed the origins of a threat, genocide, and the result of such horrible deeds. On July 18th, 1925, Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” officially published to the German public. He wrote this book while in a prison cell for committing treason against the German government. His book was about his future plans to take back Germany from the Allied powers that had entire control of the German state,

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