
The Holocaust : A Horrible Time Of Our Human History

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While examining the works of Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi it becomes apparent that the holocaust was a horrendous time in our human history. However, although both writers went through similar experiences during this time; both seem to reflect and dwell on things differently such as their point of view and lives in the camps as well as the different themes they focus on. In this analysis the stories of the two authors will be compared and as stated above will also focus on how they recount their experiences.
Elie Wiesel’s Night
In terms of themes in the book one that became apparent to me from the very beginning is that of faith. As the reader progresses through the book there is a very clear picture of a loss of faith by Weisel. The book begins and it is obvious from the get-go that Weisel has much stronger faith than many of the other Jews in his town. One specific passage in the book really sheds light on just how faithful young Weisel was:

He had watched me one day as I prayed at dusk. ‘’Why do you cry when you pray?” he asked, as though he knew me well. “I don 't know,” I answered, troubled. I had never asked myself that question. I cried because something inside me felt the need to cry. That was all I knew. “Why do you pray?” he asked after a moment. Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe? “I don 't know,” I told him, even more troubled and ill at ease. “I don 't know.” (Weisel, 1986, pg. 4)

After reading this passage one might think

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