Many people in the world today have decided that a world view doesn’t matter; that everyone can simply believe what they would like to believe, and it wouldn’t make a difference. However, someone’s worldview determines there every act! Hitler for example, believed that Jews, disabled people and elderly people were worthless; he thought that he could make a perfect world. So his beliefs led to his actions. There is only one world view that is correct, one that would explain all questions and that is a Christian world view. Many people would say that the Bible is a fraud, but there are 5,664 Greek manuscripts of the original wording of the New Testament, as well as 18,000 other unchanged manuscripts in other various languages. How then, could it all be made up? To acquire a Biblical world view, a person must know how the Bible answers seven questions, for example: What is the origin of the universe? What is the cause of evil and suffering? What happens after death? What is the basis of morality and ethics? What is the nature of man? What is the meaning of history? What is the nature of God?
God, infinite and almighty, is at the same time a personal God. He is the only God, and even the demons shudder at the sound of His great name. We are made in the image and likeness of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are the Trinity. God also tells us that we should baptize believers in His name. Mathew 28:19 explains, “Therefore go and make
The IMF oversees the exchange rate of currencies and encourages the free convertibility of any currency into another nation’s form of currency. A Biblical Worldview component should be added to the IMF for the purpose of instilling absolute truths to prevent cultural subjectivity and corruption. Having Biblical worldview added as a component provides an authority for absolute truth to be derived from. Absolute truth would be determined through the authority of God and His word. Having God as a standard for morality would help to prevent corruption arising from subjectivity determined by power-alliances and bribery.
How does being familiar with a biblical worldview help us understand the big picture of God’s design, and how can you apply that understanding to your calling?
Today, in modern day living, people are talking about either of the two worldviews, and the importance of that chosen worldview. However, one can choose to live by the principles of a secular worldview or a biblical worldview. This study highlights the distinguishable difference between a secular worldview and a biblical worldview, the incorporation of belief and doctrine, and the theories of vocations and the efforts for living righteously.
A biblical worldview should influence the way I think about, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis because I do not want to go around and degrade everyone that comes into sight. I should always treat others with the upmost respect even if I do not get treated with respect by that individual. I should not always judge others on how they look, speak, or act because I would not like it if someone came up to me and started pointing out every flaw that I had. Matthew 7:12 states “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Therefore, individuals need to be more mindful of their words and actions because an individual can really hurt someone mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Our relationships with other people give a strong sense of what our relationship with God is like. How we interact with people on a daily basis and the relationships that we build goes a long way in showing just how we feel about them. In Romans 1:10 we see that Paul wanted desperately to come to Rome to teach, to interact, to fellowship, and build relationships with the Christians that were there. Just as God wants a personal relationship with His creation we all feel a deep need for relationships with each other. It was not meant for man to go through life on his own without being able to interact with each other. We see the genuine love that Paul displayed toward the people and churches throughout his epistles and it should make us want to have an even stronger relationship with our Creator.
“Business ethics is the application of general ethical ideas to business behavior” (Lawrence & Weber, 2017, p. 94) and it’s through these ideas that good, bad, moral, and immoral decisions are made based on the foundation and framework of how we view life. For this reason, our moral compass when based on a biblical worldview should influence how we approach making decisions as it pertains to business ethics (Porter,2013).
"The trinity refers to the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ who is fully God and fully man), and God the Holy Spirit, three persons, same substance, one God" (Lecture 4, 2017). God is the person who came to Earth, sacrificed himself for every person's sins so everyone can have the choice to live with him again. God has many characteristics. The main one that comes to many people's minds is His love for everyone. In Genesis 1:27 (ESV) it says that man was created in God's image.
In conversations with people I meet, my goal is not to proselytize them or foist my views on them. Rather, I wish to treat them with the respect and courtesy due them as an individual created in the image of God. My heart is to show genuine interest in them by asking questions to learn more about who they are and where they are at, and responding respectfully to what they have to say.
A biblical worldview is a worldview that is based upon the inherent word of God found in the Bible. Specifically, a biblical worldview is a worldview that possess principles and ideas that are communicated in God’s words to his people. In order to possess a biblical worldview, one must believe in the inherent truth of the scripture and base one’s moral “foundation” on these principles and ideas. This means that one should view scripture as a sort of “lens” or guidebook by which they navigate this confusing and broken world. Keeping this in mind, one’s life and more
Everyone has a Worldview. “A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.” (1) Some have a Biblical Worldview. A Biblical Worldview is founded on the word of God. It is how a Christian views the world. Both belief systems are equally important to each individual, but there are differences in the way they view the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture.
There are lots of non-Christian or secular worldviews. I believe that there is one biblical or Christian worldview. This could be referred to as the basic Christian worldview. It reflects the basic principles of Christianity. Dr. Henderson gives a brief explanation of authentic and holistic Christianity in his presentation. I agree with what Dr. Henderson said, “authentic Christianity is Christ-centered and biblically-based”.[1] My Christian worldview should be characterized, by who I am in Christ and what I know to be biblical. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” [2] I want God to shape my worldview, rather than have it shaped by this world.
This paper will delve into a greater understanding of the following questions. What is the meaning of Worldview? What is meant by each of the four primary aspects of the Biblical worldview: creation, the fall, redemption and restoration? How does free enterprise comport with or reject creation, the fall, redemption, and restoration? How does socialism comport with or reject creation, the fall, redemption, and restoration? How does progressivism support or reject Biblical Worldview?
A Biblical world worldview is how a Bible-believing Christian ought to see the world. The basic components that make up a biblical world view are well to start the Bible is God-breathed and therefore has ultimate authority and is fully true. The Bible gives believers some clear-cut commands that should be used in developing ones worldview. But the Bible also gives believers to form many of their own opinions that they can make using their personal worldview with the Bible engrained in it. For example, the Bible clearly states that Jesus lived a sinless life. Therefore, he is the standard that Christians should strive to imitate (with a lot of God's grace). The Bible also clearly says that there is only one true God. So a believer should not
As we look back on history we can see that human beings have made great strides as well as suffered many setbacks in our development of fundamental doctrines and/or beliefs by which we live and view the world. These foundational beliefs have provided the framework for which all civilizations preserve, cooperate, and govern their way of life. Certainly throughout history, the spread of Christian theology and doctrine has been influential in establishing and developing a deeply rooted theistic and biblical worldview foundation; thus being the center of much debate. In light of the various views within Christian theology, we will focus specifically on doctrine that is foundational to the Christian
Trinity is one God. Each of the persons of the trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit “is God whole and entire”. I believe that the trinity of persons consists of one substance and one essence. Each of the persons is that supreme reality, the divine substance, essence or nature. Each of the three persons are distinct from one another, but known to be related to one another.