
The 's Nationalization Of The Suez Canal

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Colonial power ruled Egypt for almost a hundred years, exploiting and extracting as much wealth from Egypt as possible. After this long period of subjection to outside rule, Gamal Abdel Nasser became president of Egypt in 1956. He was the first Egyptian who was a ruler “of the people.” Egyptians, Arab nationalists, and many other world leaders loved Nasser and his leadership. His swift, bloodless takeover and rise to president in conjunction with his smooth, calm speeches gained him popularity. What truly made him infamous was his nationalization of the Suez Canal Company that ended British influence in Egypt. Decades after his death, Nasser is still believed to be “greater than that of many other political leader since the Prophet Mohamed” . However, many of Nasser’s actions demand that his rule be reconsidered. Nasser 's nationalization of the media, repression of political opponents, institutionalized torture of the Muslim Brotherhood, and failure to successfully implement his national planning all suggest that Nasser’s actions contributed to the many economic, political, and military problems Egypt faces today
In one of the first events to centralize his power, Nasser nationalized the media in 1960 shortly after becoming the central leader of Egypt in 1954 . Nasser became incredibly popular early in his reign. Arabs and Egyptians rallied in support of his socialist reform proposals and Nasser’s efforts to unify all Arabs in the name Arab nationalism. The

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