
The 's Social Status Of The Community Essay

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Marks’ audience was in an honor or shame culture where boasting was considered necessary to confirm one’s social status in the community. That was why the disciples were arguing among themselves who was the greatest. Also at that time the audience might have question about establishing the limit of who was with them and who was not with them instead of focusing against the enemy, Satan. Mark wanted the audience to follow Jesus’ teaching that whoever wanted to be first must become last of all and servant of all. He also wanted them to know that a man could not use Jesus’ name to do mighty work and speak evil of him later. He concluded that “for whoever is not against us is for us”. Mark mentioned Jesus’ teaching on selfless service and he especially used a child as an illustration. The child had no power, no status and few rights. A child was dependent, vulnerable, entirely subject to the authority of the father. But Jesus chose child to represent those who were needy and lowly. If one wanted to be great, one should show attention on those who were regards as insignificant. Jesus advised the disciples not to oppose the man who performed miracles in Jesus’ name as he would not soon speak evil of him. Jesus also used proverbial that “for whoever is not against us is for us” to help the disciples to establish the boundary of who was with them and who was not with them For a Sunday School class on the teaching on the debate of who is the greatest and the unknown

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