Marks’ audience was in an honor or shame culture where boasting was considered necessary to confirm one’s social status in the community. That was why the disciples were arguing among themselves who was the greatest. Also at that time the audience might have question about establishing the limit of who was with them and who was not with them instead of focusing against the enemy, Satan. Mark wanted the audience to follow Jesus’ teaching that whoever wanted to be first must become last of all and servant of all. He also wanted them to know that a man could not use Jesus’ name to do mighty work and speak evil of him later. He concluded that “for whoever is not against us is for us”. Mark mentioned Jesus’ teaching on selfless service and he especially used a child as an illustration. The child had no power, no status and few rights. A child was dependent, vulnerable, entirely subject to the authority of the father. But Jesus chose child to represent those who were needy and lowly. If one wanted to be great, one should show attention on those who were regards as insignificant. Jesus advised the disciples not to oppose the man who performed miracles in Jesus’ name as he would not soon speak evil of him. Jesus also used proverbial that “for whoever is not against us is for us” to help the disciples to establish the boundary of who was with them and who was not with them For a Sunday School class on the teaching on the debate of who is the greatest and the unknown
The Gospel of Mark tells the story of Jesus visiting his hometown. He visited a synagogue and begins to teach the people around him, but the people were offended. People questioned him as only the carpenter, the son of Mary. The implied meaning is that he was worthless teaching, and he could only heal a few people. Jesus was the son of God and many skeptical people in his time did not believe it. Jesus went through many different times of not being socially accepted, like how Rucker was socially rejected for remarrying. In their times, peers made choices of what others would think or would not accept what they did not know. It was considered ‘unacceptable’ to make these decisions for the reason that
The Book of Mark is one of the four gospels in the New Testament and one of the three synoptic gospels, and it is described as a historical narrative (Mueller 66). Thematically, the story of the Rich Young Ruler is consistent with the common theme in this book: the lack of understanding about Jesus and Jesus’ teachings (Mueller 69). More specifically, this passage discusses wealth, but in the way of sacrificing all types of wealth to achieve the ultimate goal of entering into the Kingdom of God or gaining eternal life. Though today’s audience might not be as well prepared to receive the same message as Mark intended, in today’s time, the story of the “Rich Young Ruler” can be used to imply that achieving eternal life is not about the act of giving up worldly riches but rather the act of sacrifice for God.
The Gospel of Mark tells the story of Jesus visiting his hometown. He visited a synagogue and begins to teach the people around him, but the people were offended. People questioned him as only the carpenter, the son of Mary, which implied is that he was worthless teaching, and he could only heal a few people. Jesus was the son of God and many skeptical people in his time did not believe it. Jesus went through many different times of not being socially accepted, like how Rucker was socially rejected for remarrying. In their times, peers made choices of what others would think or would not accept what they did not know. It was considered ‘unacceptable’ to make these decisions for the reason that no one else in the
Luke’s Gospel is a portrayal of Jesus as a model of social justice. Hence, the reader is empowered and influenced by the Gospel to be actively involved in social justice issues. The Catholic Church has sought to reach out to those in need, and Luke’s Gospel demonstrates this through injustices that Jesus challenged. In addition, mental illness, which is a current social justice issue reflects and appeals to problems that Jesus faced and reacted to in his time.
In Chapter 16, Jesus asked His disciples who people said He was, and who they, His disciples, think He was. This comes at a point of time where the disciples have been witness to the Pharisees and Sadducees wanting to test Jesus (Matt 16:1) and Jesus refusal to do so and when Jesus told them to beware of the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt 16:12).
Appealing to the people in a very humanistic and truthful way was a goal important to Luke. Mark’s focus was to appeal to the
Mark: The Gospel of Mark tells the story of Jesus Christ’s life from when he was baptized by John the Baptist until the days of his death, and his resurrection. Mark was the second of four Gospels although some Scholars argue and insist Mark was the first Gospel written 1. Mark was written by John Mark in AD 65, with a target audience of Roman Christian beleivers 2. Mark was written in a unique manner in regards to literary genre, as it contains figures of speech, and portray life situations in a passionate story like setting that can make the reader feel as if he is there 3. The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels, however it is written in a manner that emphasizes more so on Jesus’s works than Jesus’s words 4. The key theme in Mark is to portray the life of Jesus Christ as the son of God 5, and the purpose was to show the human qualities and emotions that Jesus displayed from anger (Mark 3:5), and compassion (Mark 1:41). Some of the key events of Jesus Christ’s life in the Gospel Mark include his miracles, his entrance into Jerusalem, the last supper, his arrest and trial, his crucifixion, his resurrection, and his ascension 6. The Gospel of Mark ends with his instruction to the eleven Apostles “And he said unto them “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:16), and his ascension into Heaven (Mark 16:19).
Socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the most widely studied constructs in the social sciences. Several ways of measuring SES have been proposed, but most include some quantification of family income, parental education, and occupational status. Research shows that SES is associated with a wide variety of health, cognitive, and socioemotional outcomes in children, with effects beginning prior to birth and continuing into adulthood. A variety of mechanisms linking SES to child well-being have been proposed, with most involving differences in access to material and social resources. For children, SES impacts well-being at multiple levels.
Although the Roman society questioned Monotheism, the strength of Mark’s community to Jesus had overthrown their past beliefs, whereby their loyalties had met with the many hardships and dangers of Roman hierarchy – just as Jesus’ followers did.
Throughout this passage the disciples are discouraged. They believed that they were following a Messiah into what was said to be a glorious kingdom. When Jesus blindsided them and told them that he was going to his ‘death’. Mark transfiguration is a well-known passage for churches, to be publically spoken about in churches. Undoubtedly, the purpose of the transfiguration of Christ was that he went through a dramatic change on appearance in order that the people could behold him in His glory. The impact of this passage on religion is vast, it is an extremely well known chapter because of Jesus sacrificing himself for the human spirit. Christology involves the humanity of Jesus, but also the fact that he is more than merely a mortal person. The
When the Gospel of Mark was written, early Christians were facing persecution from the Romans, who saw them as no different from their Jewish enemy. These early Christians began to lose their faith in Jesus. The Gospel of Mark teaches them that suffering is guaranteed, and that if our Messiah suffered on the cross, then we will suffer as well.“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in my steps” (Mark 8:34). Mark uses Jesus’ life and death to teach an example: one cannot know Christ without
Jesus then goes from speaking to His disciples specifically, to calling out to the whole crowd, in which He goes from speaking plainly to once again speaking in metaphors and riddles. Within this passage Mark uses the words of Jesus to reveal the true cost of discipleship. He tells the crowd that if anyone chooses to come after Him then the condition of that decision is that they must take up their cross and follow Him. So one must ask: What does it mean to deny yourself? What does it mean to take up your cross? And when you follow Him where are you going? So then one must put this into context by looking at what has not yet happened in Mark. When Jesus denies Himself, He is essentially denying the human instinct to self preserve through a fight or flight response. When Jesus picked up His cross, He was deciding to be rejected, tortured, mocked and falsely accused on His way to Calvary where He died for the sins of all. Therefore, if you want to go after Jesus, you must be willing to commit to sharing the gospel with others at all costs, you must be willing to tortured, mocked, and falsely accused and you must also be willing to die, not necessarily for anything that you have done, but so that others can reach salvation. Historically, during this time period, the cross was a well known style of execution in Rome, and so although one reading this might see this as simply a metaphor, it is actually a foreshadowing of reality, which can be seen in the fact that all the
More than a destination at the end of the day, a community is a place people feel at home and a place where people want to feel safe at. Community responsibilities area unit a personality's duties or obligations to the community and embody cooperation, respect and participation. The thought goes on the far side thinking and acting as people to common beliefs concerning shared interests and life. A basic community responsibility is voting in elections. Being socially accountable means folks and organizations should behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental problems. Striving for social responsibility helps people, organizations and governments have a positive impact on development, business
Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community helps society because it creates solutions, provides security and reveals dedication. It discovers truthfulness. Communities are part of everyday life and have positive affects on its members.
Another important thing about Jesus is that he healed many people. He gave a blind man his eye sight back, and cured multiple people with an unclean spirit. There is a pattern in which Jesus does not want his people to suffer, so he cares for them and is thankful that they believe in him. Lastly, I think the most important thing in the Gospel of Mark about Jesus is that he died for our sins. He knew that someone would betray him and he would be resurrected, but he accepted his death in the end and says he died for our sins. Jesus suffered in order to protect his followers, and we should be thankful