
The study of Massage/ Kinesiology Essay

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There are many aspects on the study and meaning of kinesiology. Some of these ways are; applied kinesiology, kinesiology medicine research, and specialized and energy kinesiology. The study kinesiology and massage therapy is believed to go hand and hand. Many will say that without the proper knowledge of kinesiology and muscle movements, you can not provide a patent with all that is needed for a proper massage. As we approach new years, many individuals are increasing their concern in health. With the healing arts increasing in popularity, individuals don’t understand the need for well-rounded therapist. Who are trained in the science of kinesiology, which includes the technique of massage to enable them to be proficient in their field. …show more content…

The study of massage therapy with the study of kinesiology enhances a therapist’s ability to relieve many symptoms and conditions that may lead to inadequacies in an individual’s muscular and nervous system. A therapist is able to take the person receiving the massage to a state of total relaxation. Many things can be helped through kinesiology and massage therapy, rather than by other medicines or surgeries.

When an individual has asthma, kinesiology’s is used to find out if there are any weaknesses in the lower back or leg muscles. The individuals would then strengthen these muscles to help their body to produce the right amount, or more, of chemicals used to relax their air passage so they may breathe better. A massage will a single touch of a finger tip will send a signal through the spinal cord to the brain in a split second letting your body relax and increase blood circulation and lymph through the tissues. This performance can help to lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and because the brain to release endorphins, the brain’s natural opiate-like substances that promote stress reduction. Mainly, what connects kinesiology with massage therapist is the fact that they are very good with muscular manipulation.

Through kinesiology you are able to look at many ways in which you are able to help a individuals dealing with any health related problem, and using this type of medicine, you are able to

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