Elementary PTEP – EDEL 470 / 490 – Block II
Thematic Units should:
• Have an attractive and informative “Title Page” and "Table of Contents". Expectations for these and all other unit components are described below under “Thematic Unit Components”. Also, be sure to review the "Thematic Unit Assessment Rubric". Do not use 3-ring binders or plastic sleeves please.
• Integrate no more than three subject areas for which there are relevant content standards – one of these subject areas must involve mathematics or social studies education. Integrating both subject areas is preferable but not mandatory.
• Teach and assess a clearly defined theme or topic that will enable elementary
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Under each content standard write lesson objectives that describe how or what students will do to meet that particular standard. Remember that if you list a content standard then you are obligated to teach and assess students ' learning on that standard. Also, make sure that you are able to explain how particular lesson objectives enabled students to meet particular standards. You will need to address content standards three times in you unit. First, by listing them here in your rationale statement along with corresponding lesson objectives for each standard, a second time in each lesson plan or learning cycle, and a third time when writing your “evaluative essay" (which is described below). Here is a suggestion. Develop your lesson plans first, along with appropriate content standards and lesson objectives; next, write (cut and paste) the content standards and lesson objectives from lesson plans into your rationale statement. Finally, after you teach the unit, explain how students met the standards in your evaluative essay.
Section 4: Assessing Student Learning – Describe how you will assess student learning relative to each content standard using preassessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.
A. For preassessment, describe the techniques you will use to find out what students already know or think they know about the unit topic. You will need to record and
Unit 1- 1.1, 1.2-This is a reflective account of the things I have done, experience and knowledge I have gained throughout the assessor 's course mainly during the process of assessment. First, I would like to describe the definition of assessment, its key concepts, stages to show the knowledge and understanding I have gained throughout the course. An assessment is a pre-agreed formal session with the learner. Assessment is judging performance against an agreed standard and is also a way of finding out if learning has taken place. It enables yo assessor to ascertain if learner has gained
1.1 Assessment measures the learner’s progress towards or the completion of, the learning aim and criteria, and can be used at any point during the learning cycle. It can provide information to adapt the delivery to suit the learner’s needs and abilities; a learner may need more help or time on some aspects, or has progressed quicker than planned and requires additional goals. By standardising the assessment process this creates uniformity for all learners.
The teacher prepared a checklist of what she would be looking for while assessing the students during the discussion. On this
Describe the pre-assessment(s) used to establish all students’ baseline knowledge and skills for this lesson.
Assessment is carried out through formative (checks throughout the course), ipsative (to test against previous marks), and/ or summative (at end of course) activities to help the learner see their development whilst allowing the Assessor to give valuable feedback when appropriate. It’s purpose is to measure the learners understanding of the subject against the anticipated outcomes set by the criteria.
• Assessment Method: The learner has presented their outline in the form of a table. The learner’s outline includes the main
Historically American film have been centered on heroes. In Ray’s “The Thematic Paradigm” he states that heroes as have two preset archetypes with certain characteristics. These two archetypes are the family orientated “official hero” and the loner “outlaw hero.” In Segar’s “Creating the Myth” she states that heroes are made by the steps or events that they go through on their way to becoming a hero. This means that to Seger the heroes do not start out as heroes, but as normal people. However, Ray and Seger suggest different ways in which Americans relate to film heroes, they both agree heroes are popular through common experience and relatability.
Please note that this Assessment document has 5 pages and is made up of 4 Sections.
In order to achieve a pass in this unit, all learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria must be met
Writing the teaching objectives and the learning outcomes, what the pupils will be able to do at the end of the lesson.
Firstly, I setup a list of contents to be discussed to complete the course and make them into subdivisions so that they can be easily taught and assessed.
From the very beginning of the course, teachers should begin to analyse their learners through initial assessment methods. The assessments best suited to guide improvements in student learning are quizzes, tests, writing assignments, and other assessments such as a group activity. These can easily give the teacher/tutor an insight into the learning needs of the learners. Also
Ok I am going to lay the paper out as follows, I will give the type of assessment first, and then how it is scored, then its limitations and then reliability.
For this Unit's Learning Journal, you will use the topic you selected for Unit 2 to draft your thesis statement and create the outline of your five-paragraph essay. For your thesis, you will include at least two or three sentences that make your thesis. You will use a three-section academic outline format to present your thesis statement and the topic sentences for three paragraphs in the body section. For now, leave the conclusion section blank.
The numbering of Assessment Standards is in accordance with the principle of progression from Grades 10 to 12, e.g. the first Assessment Standard is 12.1.2. Candidates' responses must be in full sentences for SECTIONS B and C. This would depend on the nature of the question. A comprehensive memorandum