
Exile In Brave New World

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In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, there are a series of characters who wind up in rather difficult predicaments, whether Bernard Marx is constantly questioning and doubting the basic social expectations and assumptions of the “home” in which he lives (World State) while failing to fit into the society of it and struggling with a lack of self-assurance and acceptance, John is always struggling to accept the strict expectations of the World State, or Helmholtz Watson is experiencing feelings of emptiness, meaningless, and isolation within the World State. In fact, every single one of these characters happen to experience some sort of exile in the story that really makes them feel like they’ve lost some type of connection to their “homes.” Although each respective character's painful experiences with exile come with feelings of utter alienation, it also provides some type of general enrichment for the character in one way or another. Out of all three of these major characters, Bernard Marx’s experience with exile may, perhaps, be the most significant one of all, especially considering the magnitude of his troubled and conflicted state of mental health prior to painfully experiencing the feelings of alienation and enrichment as a result of exile. For Bernard Marx, his experience with exile was most definitely both alienating and enriching, and his particular experience surely illuminates the overall meaning of the work as a whole. Not only does Bernard Marx endure the

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