
Theme Of Communication In Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

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Communication is Key “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said” (Drucker). The theme that Drucker is trying to give out is communication just like in Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Speak. Throughout the entire novel, this theme is shown mostly in the characters of Mr.Freeman and David Petrakis. Mr. Freeman, the art teacher is a very strong believer of the fact that anyone can communicate through their art. He is able to help Melinda with her social life and all of the negative things happening just by being able to tell what she’s feeling with her art. “I see a girl caught in the remains of a holiday gone bad, with her flesh picked off day after day as the carcass dries out. The knife and fork are obviously middle class sensibilities. The palm tree is a nice touche. A broken dream, perhaps? Plastic honeymoon, desert island?” (Anderson 64) In the words mentioned by Melinda’s art teacher, it can be seen that he’s explaining what he sees in her bone sculpture, made from the scraps of her failed thanksgiving dinner. He is explaining to her that she is able to find a message hidden in anything. He showed her that she was able to express …show more content…

This made Melinda idolize him for his courage of being able to speak up. Contrary to Mr. Freeman, David teaches Melinda that she needs to use words speak up for what she believes is right. “But you got it wrong. The suffragettes were all about speaking up, screaming for their rights. You can’t speak up for your rights to be silent. That’s letting the bad guys win. If the suffragettes did that, woman wouldn’t be able to vote yet.” (Anderson 159) David is explaining to Melinda that if she wants something, she has to fight for it, not stand still waiting for someone else to do it for her. Thus, he’s telling her that she has a mouth for a reason and she should use it to speak up for what she wants, just like he had done so many previous

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