
Theme Of Culture In The Kite Runner

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“The Afghan Culture Through The Kite Runner Lense” Culture is, to an extent, a story told thousands of times over- a repetitive form of art of traditions, beliefs, and practices that reveals a part of who we are. Khaled Hosseini integrates important elements of Afghan culture in The Kite Runner and imposes critical questions on the individuality of the characters as well as the cultural influence on modern settings and its effect on the book’s overall meaning. As with any culture, men and women are imparted responsibilities, roles, or expectations to hold. A unique example is Soraya. In the Afghan culture, “the wives and daughters” are tasked to “serve dinner… at sundown.” (85) Although tasks are primarily more extensive, Hosseini is not able to extrapolate much on the duties women are taught to perform, with the majority of the characters being men. He smartly brings Soraya into the picture, instead, as an example of the double standards set forth on women. Soraya having been a target of vicious critics, speaks to the unfairness of being an Afghan woman. She mentions the obvious offenses committed by many Afghan men like “‘[going] out to nightclubs looking for meat and [getting] their girlfriends pregnant,” and having “‘kids out of wedlock’” while “‘no one says a goddamn thing.’” (179) Whereas when Soraya “‘makes one mistake and suddenly everyone is talking nang and namoos.’” (179) The conflict that The Kite Runner undergoes on the topic of gender roles is not wholly

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